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Ocean Rocks

Holistic Coaching & Healing

Welcome to my holistic coaching and healing section. Discover the transformative power of Soul Awakening. My services are designed to guide you on your journey of self-discovery and healing. Explore my range of offerings and experience the profound impact of transformational coaching, this life, past life and ancestral healing, emotional tracing, and inner child healing.

Transformational Coaching

Unleash your true potential with my transformational coaching. I will support you in overcoming obstacles, setting goals, and creating positive change in your life. Through personalized guidance and powerful techniques, you will gain clarity, confidence, and the tools to manifest your dreams.


Embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery through this life, past life, and ancestral healing. I will help you release energetic blockages, heal unresolved traumas, and connect with your ancestral wisdom. Experience profound shifts, gain insight into your life's purpose, and create a harmonious connection with your past, present, and future.

Emotional Tracing

Delve deep into your emotions and trace the roots of your inner struggles with my emotional tracing sessions. I will guide you in exploring and understanding the underlying causes of emotional patterns and limiting beliefs. Through this process, you will gain emotional freedom, cultivate self-awareness, and create a solid foundation for personal growth.

Embarking on a Journey of Self-Discovery

1-1 Coaching & Healing: A Deep and Beautiful Commitment to Self

Choose the Path That Best Fits Your Journey:

Option 1: 6 Sessions
Initial Consultation & First Session: 1.5 - 2 hours
Follow-Up Sessions: 5 sessions @ 1.5 hours each

Option 2: 8 Sessions
Initial Consultation & First Session: 1.5 - 2 hours
Follow-Up Sessions: 7 sessions @ 1.5 hours each

Option 3: 12 Sessions
Initial Consultation & First Session: 1.5 - 2 hours
Follow-Up Sessions: 11 sessions @ 1.5 hours each

Techniques Used in Our Sessions:
Transformational Coaching Techniques
Emotional Tracing
Inner Child Healing
This Life, Past Life & Ancestral Healing
Rahanni Celestial Healing
Between Sessions Support
I will support you between sessions via WhatsApp to ensure continuous progress and guidance.

Empower Yourself
You hold all your answers within you. Understanding, feeling, and owning this truth is incredibly powerful. Empowering yourself and knowing how to take action from this point is the foundation of all my teachings and offerings.

Commitment to Transformation
Healing and change require a commitment to yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone. The time, effort, and love you dedicate to your journey will have a rewarding impact on all aspects of your life.

Ready to Get Started?
Why not book a Discovery Call with me to see how I can support you on your journey? This call is free of charge and comes with no obligation!

I Look Forward to Hearing From You!




Request a Coaching Discovery Call

Thank you for your request & I will be in contact shortly!

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